Wednesday, July 22, 2009

God's Selfish Children

What is church for you? Many people (and many of my friends) leave this church and go to that church because of all kinds of reasons. The music isn't good enough. The Bible study wasn't challenging. The pastor is too monotone. They don't have this, and they don't have that. What they usually say is something like, "I wasn't getting anything out of it," or, "I wasn't growing there." Then it is followed up by a, "So I think God was telling me to move on." That is usually when I want to scream. You weren't "getting" anything out of it? You weren't "growing"? What do you expect to "get" out of church? What is your definition of growth?

I can tell you what you should "get" out of church: selflessness. I tell you what growth is: sanctification. The church was never about us. It has always been about God. 1 Peter 2:9 says, "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His possession," why? " that you may proclaim the praises of the One who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." God has saved us so we can proclaim His goodness. We are testaments to His grace and kindness. The purpose of the church is to bring glory to our eternal, all-powerful, sovereign God. How do we do this? We live in the marvelous light He has called us to. We live in the revelation that our calling is to glorify God. We live a life of righteous love and grace, the same kind our Lord has shown to us through His life of service and death of service. All this requires is God's Word and the Holy Spirit.

Christians in America act like spoiled children. It makes me wonder who's children they are since I know God's children don't act that way.

And, no, your church services may not be exciting. And you may not like the music. It may be small and poor. But if it is proclaiming the true Gospel of our wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ, and you are complaining of no growth, then I am afraid that you are very immature in your understanding of sanctification. If you want to grow, realize that worship music is not about you. If you want to grow, learn to worship God through all music. If you want to grow, learn to worship God without music. If your church doesn't do enough of this or that ministry, ask yourself, "Who have I ministered to in this church?" Find a way to minister, and you will learn very quickly of your many imperfections that still need to be ironed out. When you persevere and see very little change or see great change, you will learn how very little you are and how very big God is.

Let us glorify God by living up to our calling to proclaim the praises of the One who has shown us truth. Let's not forget that our story is really God's story.

All glory to God!

1 comment:

  1. dude. That is strong. Thanks for sharing this. btw...i'm pretty much back in town now for the rest of this year. We should do coffee again and catch up.
