Thursday, April 2, 2009

Regular Painting

I've recently been looking at blogs and websites of artists doing (or at least attempting) a painting a day. I think this would definitely be possible if I made my living through painting, but I don't. Instead, what I've decided to try to do is a painting a week. Though the paintings are very small, it's too big of a commitment to paint every day. I can take Fridays or Saturdays to go outside and paint something. I think my subject will be landscapes since i've done very little "plein air" painting. It's an area I could improve on. Here is some of my past artwork (sorry about the poor lighting quality):

1 comment:

  1. Andrewwwww
    I love your paintings! I love the sense of freedom and joy in each piece. I am very new to the world of blogspot, having been with xanga for so long. I still have my xanga, but keep it mostly personal whereas my blogspot will be more for public sharing.
